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FL-2024-000145-SSD Flood South Sudan Between 16th and 31st July 2024, a series of events led to the displacement of 3,180 individuals across Aweil West (2,190 individuals), Jur River (522 individuals), and Panyijar counties (468 individuals). Key informants have indicated that these displacements were primarily caused by flood-related disasters. 
FL-2024-000144-MLI Flood Mali Since 22 July, Bla town, in Segou region (central Mali), has been experiencing days with heavy rainfall, causing floods that have resulted in damage. According to UN OCHA, as of 29 July, 8,700 people have been affected in the aforementioned town. Regional authorities are coordinating the response for those affected by the floods.  
TC-2024-000143-JPN Tropical Cyclone Japan Tropical Storm Maria made landfall on Monday in Japan's northern region of Iwate, bringing torrential rain that disrupted flights and rail services while forcing people in some areas to evacuate homes, but there were no immediate reports of casualties. The Japan Meteorological Agency warned of risks from mudslides and floods after record-breaking rainfall over the last two days in some cities of the region. 
WF-2024-000142-ALB Wild fire Albania GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact in Albania. 
WF-2024-000141-GRC Wild fire Greece GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact in Greece. 
FL-2024-000140-BTN Flood Bhutan Heavy flooding caused roads to be impassable and several trees were uprooted and then situation escalated, and huge flashflood reported. 
FL-2024-000139-TCD Flood Chad According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as of 7 August, at least 40 people died and more than 112,413 people have been affected by flooding in 13 provinces, including 71,000 in Sila, 18,000 in Logone Oriental, 8,400 in Logone Occidental, 3,900 in Chari Baguirmi, and at least 1,356 in N'Djamena city (south-western Chad). In addition, 6,799 houses have been damaged. 
FL-2024-000138-SDN Flood Sudan GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact in for Sudan.Local media quoting officials reported thousands of people were displaced by flooding in Upper Nile State, South Sudan, in early August 2024. Homes and crops were destroyed.  
WF-2024-000137-BOL Wild fire Bolivia GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact in Bolivia, Brazil. 
EP-2024-000136-TGO Epidemic Togo On 27 June 2024, the Ministry of Health of Togo declared a dengue outbreak. From week 1 to week 19, 2024, sporadic dengue cases were reported in Togo. Starting from week 20, a gradual increase was observed, peaking at 273 cases in week 26. From week 1 to week 27, 2024, 823 cases were reported, including 395 confirmed and 428 suspected cases. Of these, 806 cases (97.9%) were reported from week 20 onwards, with only 2.1% occurring between week 1 and week 19. 
OT-2024-000135-BGD Other Bangladesh Student protesters called on people from across Bangladesh to join a “Long March to Dhaka” on Monday, 5 August 2024. As thousands marched into the capital city, the Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, resigned and fled the country and the Army announced moves to set up an interim government. On Sunday, 4 August, in one of the worst days of violent clashes since the start of the protests early last month, reports stated that 99 people had been killed, as houses of public representatives, Awami League offices, religious places of minority Hindu community, and police stations were attacked in several districts. 
WF-2024-000134-BOL Wild fire Bolivia GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact in Bolivia. 
FL-2024-000133-TJK Flood Tajikistan A severe flood in the Ishkoshim in Tajikistan. The emergency committee of Tajikistan reported that no one was injured but 45 families moved to sager place. 
FL-2024-000132-NPL Flood Nepal The flood occurred in different rivers in the Kathmandu Valley following heavy rain for the whole of Tuesday night, which has affected normal life in Kathmandu Valley. The different parts of the Kathmandu Valley have been submerged by the flood triggered by the rainfall. 12 persons from Kathmandu district and 24 from Lalitpur district were rescued from the flood-induced disasters in the valley.  
EQ-2024-000131-PHL Earthquake Philippines GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 6.8M tsunami generates 0.3m 
FL-2024-000130-MMR Flood Myanmar On 25 July 2024, the Myanmar Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) issued flood advisory warnings for several other regions due to rising water levels in major rivers. These affected areas include Hpa-an, Hlaingbwe, and Myawady in Kayin State; Billin in Mon State; Shwegyin, Madauk, and Bago in Bago State; and Zalun, Ngathaingchaung, and Thabaung in the Ayeyarwady Region. As of 29 July 2024, the Ayeyarwady River in Ayeyarwady region is observed to be at its danger level and expected to remain so for the next day. Sittoung River at Bago Region more than 4 feet above its danger level and is likely to stay elevated. Similarly, still in Bago State, the Shwegyin River has surpassed its danger level by over 4 ½ feet (141 cm) and may continue to rise about 2 feet in the next day. In Kayin state, the Thanlwin River has exceeded its danger level by more than ½ foot and is expected to rise by another ½ foot, remaining above the danger level. Flood condition of Thaungyin River has exceeded by about 1 inch above its danger level. It may continue to rise from the present water level, its danger level. The situation is expected to deteriorate as heavy rainfall continues across the country. Residents in low-lying areas, particularly in Hpa-an, Hlaingbwe, Myawady, Billin, Bago, Madauk, Shwegyin, Zalun, Ngathaingchaung, and Thabaung, are strongly advised to take precautionary measures. The meteorological department has warned of widespread flooding across the Ayeyarwaddy Delta and coastal regions due to the lingering effects of Typhoon Gaemi. 
FL-2024-000129-JPN Flood Japan Heavy rainfall has been affecting northern Japan since 25 July, in particular Yamagata, Shiga and Akita prefecture, causing floods and landslides and resulting in casualties and damage. 
FL-2024-000128-SDN Flood Sudan Initial reports indicate that an estimated 10,180 people, most of whom are newly arrived IDPs from Sennar State, have been affected by recent heavy rains and flooding in Kassala State. [...] Heavy rains and flooding have also affected an unspecified number of people and homes in Aroma, Shamal Al Delta, Reifi Kassala, and Gharb Kassala localities. [...] Floodwater reportedly submerged tents and water and sanitation (WASH) facilities, as well as roads. The majority of the affected IDPs have been forced to live in the open on the roadsides and they do not have access to food, clean drinking water, or safe sanitation facilities amid heightened concerns of a possible spike in water-borne diseases. 
TC-2024-000127-CHN Tropical Cyclone China, People's Republic GDACS - Tropical Cyclone GAEMI-24 Medium humanitarian impact, max wind speed 231 km/h 
TC-2024-000127-PHL Tropical Cyclone Philippines On 24 July, the combined effects of the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by Tropical Cyclone Gaemi(local name: Carina), brought heavy to intense rains across the Philippines.Super Typhoon Gaemi (local name Carina) has been downgraded to a typhoon as it crossed Taiwan and exited the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on 25 July. The storm, combined with the effects of the southwest monsoon, brought heavy rainfall to the western section of Luzon, including Metro Manila. Flooding incidents have been reported in Metro Manila and nearby provinces.  
TC-2024-000127-TWN Tropical Cyclone Taiwan (China) Typhoon GAEMI affected northern Taiwan on 24 July 2024, causing casualties and damage. It has so far left 10 people dead, two missing and 895 others injured in Taiwan, the Central Emergency Operation Center (CEOC) said on 27 July 2024. 
TC-2024-000126-VNM Tropical Cyclone Viet Nam Tropical storm PRAPIROON passed over the Hainan Island, southern China on 22 July and continued north-west over the Gulf of Tonkin toward the border area between south-western China and north-eastern Vietnam, strengthening. Media report, as of 23 July, approximately 6,000 isolated people across the Cat Ba and Co To islands, northern Vietnam. 
LS-2024-000125-ETH Land Slide Ethiopia On 21-22 July, three landslides triggered by heavy rainfall occurred in Gofa Zuria zone (South Ethiopia Regional State). According to the media, at least 146 people have died, including some rescuers who were deployed to the area. Search and rescue activities are still ongoing and the death toll could rise. 
FL-2024-000124-BFA Flood Burkina Faso Since April, there have been floods in several parts of the country, the worst of which occurred in Boulsa in the province of Namentenga, in the Centre-Nord region. On the night of 29 May 2024, the town of Boulsa was hit by torrential rain between 8pm and 10pm. The rain, accompanied by strong winds, caused extensive material damage and loss of life (07 deaths, including 3 children under the age of 10 and 2 adults, a 35-year-old woman and a 50-year-old man, and 42 injured people treated in the various health centres. Two children under the age of 15 were evacuated to Ouagadougou for more appropriate care. According to initial reports, as of 07 June, more than 1,000 households had been affected. This has been confirmed by the current registration, which shows a provisional total of more than 1,147 households, or 7,648 people affected, and 925 houses either completely or partially destroyed. Burkina Faso is a country vulnerable to extreme rainfall and flooding, with major humanitarian consequences. Every year during the rainy season, thousands of people are affected. The country has in-country response capacity, but support remained needed. Official data from Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) received on 13 June 2024 indicates the affected households that required assistance and local Government expressed their request for support to the NS. 
FL-2024-000123-BFA Flood Burkina Faso Since April, there have been floods in several parts of the country, the worst of which occurred in Boulsa in the province of Namentenga, in the Centre-Nord region. On the night of 29 May 2024, the town of Boulsa was hit by torrential rain between 8pm and 10pm. The rain, accompanied by strong winds, caused extensive material damage and loss of life (07 deaths, including 3 children under the age of 10 and 2 adults, a 35-year-old woman and a 50-year-old man, and 42 injured people treated in the various health centres. Two children under the age of 15 were evacuated to Ouagadougou for more appropriate care. According to initial reports, as of 07 June, more than 1,000 households had been affected. This has been confirmed by the current registration, which shows a provisional total of more than 1,147 households, or 7,648 people affected, and 925 houses either completely or partially destroyed. Burkina Faso is a country vulnerable to extreme rainfall and flooding, with major humanitarian consequences. Every year during the rainy season, thousands of people are affected. The country has in-country response capacity, but support remained needed. Official data from Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) received on 13 June 2024 indicates the affected households that required assistance and local Government expressed their request for support to the NS. 
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Disasters on or after week 35
From: 2024/8/25  To: 2024/9/7

Tropical Cyclone,Viet Nam: According to the Vietnam Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 7:00 a.m. on September 4, 2024, storm YAGI was in the East Sea, about 770 km from Hainan Island (China), with the strongest wind speed of 117 km/h, gusting to level 11, moving in the West - Northwest direction, at a speed of 10 km/h. Storm YAGI is forecast to directly affect all northern provinces of Vietnam on the evening of September 7, 2024, Vietnam time.

Tropical Cyclone,Philippines: Tropical Cyclone Yagi (local name: Enteng) set off landslides and unleashed pounding rains that flooded many northern Philippine areas overnight into 2 September, leaving at least 14 people dead and prompting authorities to suspend school classes and government work in the densely populated capital region. Tropical Storm Yagi slammed into Casiguran town in the northeastern province of Aurora Monday afternoon and gained strength with sustained winds of 85 kilometers (53 miles) per hour and gusts of 105 kph (65 mph), according to the weather bureau.

Tropical Cyclone,Japan: Millions of people were told to evacuate from their homes as Typhoon Shanshan lashed southwest Japan with strong winds and heavy rain on Thursday, knocking out power, snarling air traffic and forcing major factories to close. At least three people have been killed so far and scores injured in what authorities have warned could be one of the strongest ever storms to hit the region.

Flood,Cameroon: Heavy rainfall has been affecting the Far North Region of Cameroon since mid-August causing casualties and severe damage. According to local authorities and FAO, 120,000 people have been affected, 3,700 houses collapsed, and 2,000 hectares of crops have been destroyed.