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From: 2025/3/23
To: 2025/3/31
Earthquake,Myanmar: A strong earthquake struck central Myanmar on Friday, earthquake monitoring services said, which affected Bangkok as well with hundreds of people pouring out of buildings in the Thai capital in panic after the tremors.
There was no immediate word from Myanmar on damage after the quake, which the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said had a 7.7 magnitude and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).
Earthquake,Thailand: In Thailand, at least one person was killed by the earthquake shake (epicentre of Sagaing, Myanmar) and dozens of workers were rescued from under the rubble of the skyscraper that had been under construction in Bangkok, Thailand's National Institute of Emergency Medicine said.
Earthquake,China, People's Republic: Two people were reported injured in southwest China's Yunnan Province after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Myanmar Friday, according to the provincial earthquake agency.