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GLIDEnumber Event Country Comments
AC-2000-000669-COL Tech. Disaster Colombia (Road) 
AC-2000-000668-CHN Tech. Disaster China, People's Republic (Road) 
AC-2000-000667-GTM Tech. Disaster Guatemala (Road) 
FL-2000-000666-BRA Flood Brazil (Flood) 
EP-2000-000665-BGD Epidemic Bangladesh (Diarrhoeal/Enteric) 
AC-2000-000664-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria (Road) 
AC-2000-000663-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria (Road) 
FL-2000-000662-GBR Flood United Kingdom (Flood) 
AC-2000-000661-TUR Tech. Disaster Turkey (Road) 
EP-2000-000660-UGA Epidemic Uganda {Ebola haemorrhagic fever} (Arbovirus) 
WF-2000-000659-AUS Wild fire Australia (Scrub) 
AC-2000-000658-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria (Road) 
SL-2000-000657-AGO SLIDE (use LS/ AV/MS instead) Angola (Landslide) 
EQ-2000-000656-JPN Earthquake Japan (Earthquake) 
AC-2000-000655-NPL Tech. Disaster Nepal (Road) 
AC-2000-000654-KEN Tech. Disaster Kenya (Road) 
EQ-2000-000653-TZA Earthquake Tanzania (Earthquake) 
ST-2000-000652-USA SEVERE LOCAL STORM United States {Leslie} (Storm) 
AC-2000-000651-TZA Tech. Disaster Tanzania (Road) 
FL-2000-000650-VEN Flood Venezuela (Flood) 
EP-2000-000649-ZAF Epidemic South Africa {Cholera} (Diarrhoeal/Enteric) 
FL-2000-000648-COL Flood Colombia (Flood) 
AC-2000-000647-EGY Tech. Disaster Egypt (Road) 
AC-2000-000646-BRA Tech. Disaster Brazil (Road) 
ST-2000-000645-SLV SEVERE LOCAL STORM El Salvador {Keith} (Hurricane) 
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Latest Events:

Disasters on or after week 12
From: 2025/3/16  To: 2025/3/28

Earthquake,Myanmar: A strong earthquake struck central Myanmar on Friday, earthquake monitoring services said, which affected Bangkok as well with hundreds of people pouring out of buildings in the Thai capital in panic after the tremors. There was no immediate word from Myanmar on damage after the quake, which the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said had a 7.7 magnitude and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Earthquake,China, People's Republic: Two people were reported injured in southwest China's Yunnan Province after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Myanmar Friday, according to the provincial earthquake agency.

Earthquake,Thailand: In Thailand, at least one person was killed by the earthquake shake (epicentre of Sagaing, Myanmar) and dozens of workers were rescued from under the rubble of the skyscraper that had been under construction in Bangkok, Thailand's National Institute of Emergency Medicine said.

Wild fire,Korea Republic: At least 18 people have died as multiple wildfires rage across the southeastern region of South Korea since 21 March 2025, with thousands of firefighters aided by the military deployed in a bid to contain one of the country's worst forest fires in decades.

Flood,Bolivia: Since the start of the rainy season, VIDECI has reported a total of 76,563 flood-affected families and 216,542 affected families nationwide as of March 17, 2025. These figures represent an increase of 144.7% and 131.4%, respectively, compared to the data from February 17, 2025. In the nine departments, 186 municipalities and 3,580 communities have been affected. Of these, 73 municipalities have been declared in a state of disaster and 19 in a state of emergency. In the department of La Paz, which has been declared a state of emergency, as well as in Chuquisaca and Beni, 40 municipalities are in a state of disaster. (VIDECI, March 17, 2025)

Earthquake,Ethiopia: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 5.5M

Fire,Macedonia: On 16th March around 3 am in the Night club “Pulse” in Kochani, during a concert a fire occurred that caused 152 injured and hospitalized people in Skopje, Kochani and Shtip and 53 deaths. All casualties are on the age 14-25.