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Search Results:
GLIDEnumber Event Country Comments
AC-2000-000591-IRQ Tech. Disaster Iraq (Road) 
FL-2000-000590-BRA Flood Brazil (Flood) 
AC-2000-000589-MLI Tech. Disaster Mali (Road) 
AC-2000-000588-TUR Tech. Disaster Turkey (Road) 
AC-2000-000587-RUS Tech. Disaster Russia (Road) 
SL-2000-000586-PER SLIDE (use LS/ AV/MS instead) Peru (Landslide) 
AC-2000-000585-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria (Road) 
AC-2000-000584-RUS Tech. Disaster Russia {Building} (Misc:Fire) 
FL-2000-000583-LAO Flood Lao People's Democratic Republic (Flood) 
ST-2000-000582-VNM SEVERE LOCAL STORM Viet Nam {Wukong} (Typhoon) 
AC-2000-000581-IRN Tech. Disaster Iran, Islamic Republic (Road) 
WF-2000-000580-ESP Wild fire Spain (Forest) 
AC-2000-000579-CHN Tech. Disaster China, People's Republic (Misc:Explosion) 
AC-2000-000578-JPN Tech. Disaster Japan (Water) 
FL-2000-000577-ITA Flood Italy (Flood) 
ST-2000-000576-JPN SEVERE LOCAL STORM Japan {Saomai} (Typhoon) 
AC-2000-000575-IRN Tech. Disaster Iran, Islamic Republic (Road) 
AC-2000-000574-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria (Road) 
AC-2000-000573-TUR Tech. Disaster Turkey (Road) 
ST-2000-000572-PRK SEVERE LOCAL STORM Korea, Democratic People's Republic {Prapiroon (typhoon "12")} (Typhoon) 
EP-2000-000571-AGO Epidemic Angola {Meningococcal disease} (Meningitis) 
AC-2000-000570-AGO Tech. Disaster Angola {Houses and video club} (Misc:Collapse) 
AC-2000-000569-YEM Tech. Disaster Yemen (Road) 
EP-2000-000568-IND Epidemic India {Japanese encephalitis} (Arbovirus) 
EP-2000-000567-NPL Epidemic Nepal {Japanese encephalitis} (Arbovirus) 
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From: 2025/2/9  To: 2025/2/16

Earthquake,Ethiopia: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 6M

Flood,Philippines: Several barangays in Puerto Princesa City and other southern towns in Palawan were flooded on Sunday as a result of two days of heavy rainfall caused by the intertropical convergence zone, shear line, and a low-pressure system.