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Search Results:
GLIDEnumber Event Country Comments
AC-2000-000462-IND Tech. Disaster India {Boeing 737-200} (Air) 
EP-2000-000461-CAF Epidemic Central African Republic {Meningococcal disease} (Meningitis) 
EP-2000-000460-THA Epidemic Thailand (Leptosporosis) 
EP-2000-000459-IND Epidemic India (Leptosporosis) 
AC-2000-000458-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria (Water) 
SL-2000-000457-RUS SLIDE (use LS/ AV/MS instead) Russia (Landslide) 
ET-2000-000456-BRA Extreme temperature(use CW/HW instead) Brazil (Cold wave) 
WF-2000-000455-GRC Wild fire Greece (Forest) 
AC-2000-000454-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria (Road) 
AC-2000-000453-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria {Oil pipeline} (Ind:Explosion) 
AC-2000-000452-FRA Tech. Disaster France {Concorde} (Air) 
AC-2000-000451-NGA Tech. Disaster Nigeria {Oil pipeline} (Ind:Explosion) 
WF-2000-000450-USA Wild fire United States (Forest) 
EQ-2000-000449-IDN Earthquake Indonesia (Earthquake) 
ST-2000-000448-VNM SEVERE LOCAL STORM Viet Nam (Storm) 
ST-2000-000447-JPN SEVERE LOCAL STORM Japan {Kirogi} (Typhoon) 
FL-2000-000446-THA Flood Thailand (Flood) 
FL-2000-000445-IND Flood India (Flood) 
FL-2000-000444-IND Flood India (Flood) 
AC-2000-000443-JOR Tech. Disaster Jordan {Hercules C-130} (Air) 
AC-2000-000442-KOR Tech. Disaster Korea Republic (Road) 
FL-2000-000441-KOR Flood Korea Republic (Flood) 
AC-2000-000440-BOL Tech. Disaster Bolivia (Road) 
SL-2000-000439-VNM SLIDE (use LS/ AV/MS instead) Viet Nam (Landslide) 
FL-2000-000438-KHM Flood Cambodia Cambodia had 2 floods were Mekong and Flash floods. First, Mekong flood occurred 4 months from July to 25th September 2000, second Flash flood occurred from 11 to 15 October. 2 floods affected 5,158 villages, 883 communes, 131 districts, and 21 provinces-municipalities. In all, more than 387,000 families have been evacuated. Total physical damage both Mekong and Flash floods were estimated at US$ 150 million.  
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