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GLIDEnumber Event Country Comments
AC-2000-000340-BRA Tech. Disaster Brazil {Garderie d'enfants} (Misc:Fire) 
DR-2000-000339-USA Drought United States (Drought) 
ST-2000-000338-USA SEVERE LOCAL STORM United States (Storm) 
ET-2000-000337-UKR Extreme temperature(use CW/HW instead) Ukraine (Cold wave) 
DR-2000-000336-PRK Drought Korea, Democratic People's Republic (Drought) 
EQ-2000-000335-ISL Earthquake Iceland (Earthquake) 
AC-2000-000334-MLI Tech. Disaster Mali (Road) 
FL-2000-000333-MEX Flood Mexico (Flood) 
FL-2000-000332-IND Flood India (Flood) 
FL-2000-000331-GBR Flood United Kingdom (Flood) 
FL-2000-000330-CHN Flood China, People's Republic (Flood) 
WF-2000-000329-CYP Wild fire Cyprus (Forest) 
DR-2000-000328-ROM Drought Romania (Drought) 
DR-2000-000327-JOR Drought Jordan (Drought) 
SL-2000-000326-CHN SLIDE (use LS/ AV/MS instead) China, People's Republic (Landslide) 
AC-2000-000325-CHN Tech. Disaster China, People's Republic {Navire} (Water) 
ET-2000-000324-HRV Extreme temperature(use CW/HW instead) Croatia (Heat wave) 
ST-2000-000323-IND SEVERE LOCAL STORM India (Cyclone) 
EP-2000-000322-LBR Epidemic Liberia {Cholera} (Diarrhoeal/Enteric) 
EP-2000-000321-NER Epidemic Niger {Cholera} (Diarrhoeal/Enteric) 
EP-2000-000320-IDN Epidemic Indonesia (Rabies) 
AC-2000-000319-USA Tech. Disaster United States (Rail) 
DR-2000-000318-MDA Drought Moldova (Drought) 
FL-2000-000317-MEX Flood Mexico (Flood) 
AC-2000-000316-BGD Tech. Disaster Bangladesh {M Tanker "Dana"} (Water) 
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Latest Events:

Disasters on or after week 12
From: 2025/3/16  To: 2025/3/28

Wild fire,Korea Republic: At least 18 people have died as multiple wildfires rage across the southeastern region of South Korea since 21 March 2025, with thousands of firefighters aided by the military deployed in a bid to contain one of the country's worst forest fires in decades.

Flood,Bolivia: Since the start of the rainy season, VIDECI has reported a total of 76,563 flood-affected families and 216,542 affected families nationwide as of March 17, 2025. These figures represent an increase of 144.7% and 131.4%, respectively, compared to the data from February 17, 2025. In the nine departments, 186 municipalities and 3,580 communities have been affected. Of these, 73 municipalities have been declared in a state of disaster and 19 in a state of emergency. In the department of La Paz, which has been declared a state of emergency, as well as in Chuquisaca and Beni, 40 municipalities are in a state of disaster. (VIDECI, March 17, 2025)

Earthquake,Ethiopia: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 5.5M

Fire,Macedonia: On 16th March around 3 am in the Night club “Pulse” in Kochani, during a concert a fire occurred that caused 152 injured and hospitalized people in Skopje, Kochani and Shtip and 53 deaths. All casualties are on the age 14-25.