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AC-2000-000004-BRA Tech. Disaster Brazil (Road) 
ET-2000-000003-BGD Extreme temperature(use CW/HW instead) Bangladesh (Cold wave) 
FL-2000-000002-AGO Flood Angola (Flood) 
AC-2000-000001-AGO Tech. Disaster Angola (Road) 
FL-1999-000651-CHN Flood China, People's Republic Sustained rainfall from the middle of June until late September caused extensive flooding along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze river in China. According to official figures, over 800 people died and 24,000 were injured as a result of the floods and 5.5 million were displaced throughout the country. Four provinces - Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and Anhui - were particularly badly affected by the recurrent flooding.  
DR-1999-000650-USA Drought United States The eastern part of the country experienced very dry conditions throughout the summer months along with extreme high temperatures. The heat and lack of moisture caused significant agricultural damage and let to more than 500 deaths.  
ST-1999-000649-USA SEVERE LOCAL STORM United States A damaging winter storm affected most of the eastern half of the country in the beginning of the year. 
TO-1999-000648-USA Tornadoes United States A series of F4 and F5 tornadoes hit the central part of the country affecting mostly Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma.  
FR-1999-000647-BRN Fire Brunei Darussalam  
FR-1999-000646-BRN Fire Brunei Darussalam  
TC-1999-000645-MYS Tropical Cyclone Malaysia The Tropical Storm "Hilda" was only reported to have come near Sabah and not hit directly before moving to northward to Vietnam. This tropical storm caused flood in northern part of Sabah. 
EQ-1999-000644-PHL Earthquake Philippines Northern provinces in Philippines were jolted by a strong tremor. The earthquake produced 6 casualties and 40 injured. 
EQ-1999-000639-GTM Earthquake Guatemala A strong earthquake measuring 6.5 on Richter struck Central America. 
VO-1999-000584-ECU Volcano Ecuador A volcanic eruption took place in Ambato, Ecuador. 
FL-1999-000574-VNM Flood Viet Nam The southern part of Viet Nam was hardly damaged by flood. 
EQ-1999-000561-DZA Earthquake Algeria On December 22nd, 1999 an earthquake of Magnitude Mw : 5.7 occurred at Ain Temouchent (northwest Algeria).  
FL-1999-000548-YEM Flood Yemen The Socotra Archipelago, southern Yemen, in the Indian Ocean, has suffered massive floods caused by successive periods of torrential rainfall since the evening of 4 December 1999.  
FL-1999-000547-VEN Flood Venezuela Heavy rains caused landslides and overflowing of main rivers, affecting in particular the coastal regions from the eastern State of Anzoategui to the State of Zulia on the west coast. Although the official death toll (based on the body count) remains very low, the media, local authorities and other unofficial sources estimate that between 25,000 and 50,000 people died in the disaster. 
ST-1999-000532-BGD SEVERE LOCAL STORM Bangladesh An extremely strong cyclone hit the Bay of Bengal, some 60 miles from the port city of Paradip in the eastern Indian state Orissa.  
FL-1999-000531-COD Flood Congo Democratic Republic The flooding has taken 2 lives and affected 13,000 people. 
ST-1999-000525-ATG SEVERE LOCAL STORM Antigua & Barbuda Hurricane Lenny battered the fragile islands of the northeast Caribbean with ferocious winds near 145 mph (230 kph) and monstrous waves that smashed fishing fleets and washed coastal homes into the sea. Lenny's torrential rains were responsible for at least seven deaths across the Caribbean Leeward islands.  
EQ-1999-000524-VUT Earthquake Vanuatu A severe earthquake in November 1999 followed by a tsunami, caused extensive damage to the northern island of Pentecote and left thousands homeless.  
DR-1999-000458-RWA Drought Rwanda 82,000 were affected. 
EQ-1999-000449-TUR Earthquake Turkey A devastating earthquake with magnitude 7.2 struck a hilly region of northwestern Turkey. 
ST-1999-000438-ATG SEVERE LOCAL STORM Antigua & Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda was strongly affected by the hurricane Jose. 
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Disasters on or after week 37
From: 2024/9/8  To: 2024/9/16

Flood,Austria: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact in for Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia.Heavy rainfall brought by Storm Boris caused flash flooding and rivers to overflow in areas of Czech Republic in September 2024. Strong winds also caused damage. The Fire and Rescue Department (HZSCR) carried out thousands of interventions. Approximately 260,000 households were without electricity due to adverse weather conditions, as of 15 September. As of 15 September, fire departments reported thousands of people evacuated across several locations in Olomouc and Moravian-Silesian Regions. Police assisted with evacuations in Zl?n Region. Police reported at least 4 people missing in 2 separate incidents across the country as of 15 September.

Tropical Cyclone,Myanmar: Flooding and landslides caused by the remnants of Typhoon Yagi have killed at least 19 people in Myanmar. Local media say over 50,000 people including in the capital Naypyitaw are taking shelter as homes are inundated. Evacuation camps have been washed away in the border area with Thailand. Bridges and roads have collapsed, isolating some areas.

Tropical Cyclone,Thailand: At least two people were killed and hundreds stranded in Thailand after heavy rains swept through two northern provinces, Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai, swelling rivers, inundating settlements and triggering mudslides, authorities said on 11 September. The adverse weather, which comes in the wake of Typhoon Yagi has impacted about 9,000 households in Thailand. Other northern provinces including Mae Hong Son, Nan, Phayao, Lampang, Phrae, Uttaradit, and Tak also faced flooding and landslides.

Tropical Cyclone,Viet Nam: According to the Vietnam Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 7:00 a.m. on September 4, 2024, storm YAGI was in the East Sea, about 770 km from Hainan Island (China), with the strongest wind speed of 117 km/h, gusting to level 11, moving in the West - Northwest direction, at a speed of 10 km/h. Storm YAGI is forecast to directly affect all northern provinces of Vietnam on the evening of September 7, 2024, Vietnam time.

Flood,Algeria: On September 8, 2024, a severe tropical disturbance triggered widespread flooding across several provinces in southern and western Algeria. The most affected areas include Béchar, Elbayadh, Beni Abbes, Tamanrasset, Tiaret, Tindouf, and Naama.