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ST-1999-000400-CUB SEVERE LOCAL STORM Cuba Hurricane Irene developed in the western Caribbean Sea on October 13 from a tropical wave. While crossing Cuba, Irene produced heavy rainfall.  
FL-1999-000391-MEX Flood Mexico Torrential rains from the season's 11th tropical depression have caused severe flooding and mudslides in Eastern and Southern Mexico. Rivers burst their banks causing what is considered to be the regions worst flooding in 40 years.The unofficial death toll in nine of Mexico's 31 states stood on Thursday at 425, while some 270,000 people were driven from their homes. 
FL-1999-000371-IND Flood India The current monsoon is causing significant damage in the States of Assam, Bihar, Kerala, Tripura and West Bengal. 3,212 villages in 35 districts have been affected and 15,058 houses have suffered damage. The death toll by torrential monsoon rains in India rose to 367. (The death toll from flooding in the eastern Indian state of Bihar has reached 250.) 
FL-1999-000363-NIC Flood Nicaragua During the past two weeks, heavy rains have fallen in particular in the western and northern parts of the country and given rise to flooding. An overall 100,000 people are affected. 5 persons have reportedly been killed and 1,563 evacuated. Damage has been caused to 112 houses and 34 roads. 
EQ-1999-000360-MEX Earthquake Mexico "On September 30, 1999, at 16:31 GMT or 11:31 local time an earthquake of 7.5 on the Richter scale hit Mexico. The epicentre of the quake was centered just north of Puerto Angel, on the coastal state of Oaxaca, southeast of Mexico City (latitude 16.1 degrees north and longitude 96.7 degrees west). The death toll is 18." 
FL-1999-000350-CRI Flood Costa Rica Since 24 September 1999, heavy rains have caused floods and landslides in particular on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the country, prompting the authorities to declare the Red Alert.  
FL-1999-000349-SLV Flood El Salvador Government has declared red alert for the entire country, following heavy rains that have been ongoing for the past few weeks. Flooding and landslides occur in the areas affected, including urban areas of San Salvador. 
FL-1999-000324-HND Flood Honduras Heavy rains have continued to fall over Honduras causing floods and landslides that have affected 7 Departments (Olancho, Progreso, Tela, Cortez, Copan, El Paraiso, Yoro) and the capital Tegucigalpa. 
ST-1999-000323-BHS SEVERE LOCAL STORM Bahamas  
EQ-1999-000321-TWN Earthquake Taiwan (China) "On Sempteber 21(at Local), the earthquake occured around 01:47 local time (20 September 17:47 GMT) at Taiwan. The quake registered 7.6 on the Richter scale. The epicentre was near NANTO, 145km southern south east of the capital, TAIPEI.The death toll from Taiwan's devastating earthquake stood at 2,375." 
FL-1999-000315-GHA Flood Ghana Heavy rains have caused severe flooding in three northern regions in Ghana killing at least 70 people and displacing more than 280,000 persons.  
EQ-1999-000302-GRC Earthquake Greece On Sempteber 7, the earthquake occured around 1500 local time (1200 GMT) and was followed by a series of strong aftershocks. The Athens Seismological Institute said the quake registered 5.9 on the Richter scale, and the epicentre was 20km (12.4 miles) north of the capital. The seismic shift occurred 5 to 10km below the ground.  
FL-1999-000286-GMB Flood Gambia Prolonged and heavy rainfall between June to August 1999 caused flooding in several divisions of the country. On 25 August the Government declared a state of emergency and appealed for assistance.  
WF-1999-000274-RUS Wild fire Russia  
WF-1999-000273-BOL Wild fire Bolivia  
EQ-1999-000268-TUR Earthquake Turkey The 1999 İzmit earthquake was an approximately 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Turkey on August 17, 1999. The event lasted for 37 seconds, killing up to 45,000 people and leaving approximately half a million people homeless. 
DR-1999-000267-DJI Drought Djibouti Nearly 100,000 were affected. 
FL-1999-000265-TCD Flood Chad  
FL-1999-000259-KHM Flood Cambodia The flash floods, triggered by torrential rains during the first week of August, caused significant damage in the provinces of Sihanoukville, Koh Kong and Kam Pot. As of 10 August, four people were killed, some 8,000 people were left homeless, and 200 meters of railroads were washed away. More than 12,000 hectares of rice paddies were flooded in Kam Pot province alone.  
FL-1999-000253-PHL Flood Philippines The heavy rainfall have been pouring down for a week. It have provoked lethal floods and landslides in the Metropolitan Manila and nearly provinces. Most severely affected is the Rizal Province. Other provinces, such as Pangasinan, Pampanga or Bulacan have also been inundated. Heavy monsoon rains left 177 people dead and 1.3 billion pesos (33 million dollars) in damage. 
FL-1999-000247-KOR Flood Korea Republic From July 31 to Aug. 4, as typhoon Olga swept through the Korean peninsula, torrential rains caused extensive property damage and human casualties 
FL-1999-000244-VNM Flood Viet Nam Continued heavy rain in Vietnam caused flooding. 
FL-1999-000240-SRB Flood Serbia Heavy and continuous precipitation between 9 and 14 July has led to extensive flooding in central parts of Serbia. Daily recorded precipitation in the Morava and Kolubara river water basins was the highest since 1925. Flood waters have caused extensive damage to private homes, communal and industrial property, power lines, roads, bridges, crops and agricultural land.  
FL-1999-000235-IRN Flood Iran, Islamic Republic Heavy rains caused flooding in the cities of Sari (Provincial capital), Behshahr and Neka, and in 42 villages in Mayandaran Province in northern Iran on 25 July. 37 people have lost their lives with 17 persons missing, 250 persons have been injured, with 4,010 houses damaged. Rain stopped on 26 July.  
FL-1999-000233-SVK Flood Slovakia At the end of June 1999 severe floods occurred in the North and Middle Slovakia due to heavy rains. Shortly after the June floods, a third flood wave occurred at the beginning of July.  
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Tropical Cyclone,Viet Nam: According to the Vietnam Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 7:00 a.m. on September 4, 2024, storm YAGI was in the East Sea, about 770 km from Hainan Island (China), with the strongest wind speed of 117 km/h, gusting to level 11, moving in the West - Northwest direction, at a speed of 10 km/h. Storm YAGI is forecast to directly affect all northern provinces of Vietnam on the evening of September 7, 2024, Vietnam time.

Tropical Cyclone,Philippines: Tropical Cyclone Yagi (local name: Enteng) set off landslides and unleashed pounding rains that flooded many northern Philippine areas overnight into 2 September, leaving at least 14 people dead and prompting authorities to suspend school classes and government work in the densely populated capital region. Tropical Storm Yagi slammed into Casiguran town in the northeastern province of Aurora Monday afternoon and gained strength with sustained winds of 85 kilometers (53 miles) per hour and gusts of 105 kph (65 mph), according to the weather bureau.