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FL-1999-000259-KHM Flood Cambodia The flash floods, triggered by torrential rains during the first week of August, caused significant damage in the provinces of Sihanoukville, Koh Kong and Kam Pot. As of 10 August, four people were killed, some 8,000 people were left homeless, and 200 meters of railroads were washed away. More than 12,000 hectares of rice paddies were flooded in Kam Pot province alone.  
FL-1999-000253-PHL Flood Philippines The heavy rainfall have been pouring down for a week. It have provoked lethal floods and landslides in the Metropolitan Manila and nearly provinces. Most severely affected is the Rizal Province. Other provinces, such as Pangasinan, Pampanga or Bulacan have also been inundated. Heavy monsoon rains left 177 people dead and 1.3 billion pesos (33 million dollars) in damage. 
FL-1999-000247-KOR Flood Korea Republic From July 31 to Aug. 4, as typhoon Olga swept through the Korean peninsula, torrential rains caused extensive property damage and human casualties 
FL-1999-000244-VNM Flood Viet Nam Continued heavy rain in Vietnam caused flooding. 
FL-1999-000240-SRB Flood Serbia Heavy and continuous precipitation between 9 and 14 July has led to extensive flooding in central parts of Serbia. Daily recorded precipitation in the Morava and Kolubara river water basins was the highest since 1925. Flood waters have caused extensive damage to private homes, communal and industrial property, power lines, roads, bridges, crops and agricultural land.  
FL-1999-000235-IRN Flood Iran, Islamic Republic Heavy rains caused flooding in the cities of Sari (Provincial capital), Behshahr and Neka, and in 42 villages in Mayandaran Province in northern Iran on 25 July. 37 people have lost their lives with 17 persons missing, 250 persons have been injured, with 4,010 houses damaged. Rain stopped on 26 July.  
FL-1999-000233-SVK Flood Slovakia At the end of June 1999 severe floods occurred in the North and Middle Slovakia due to heavy rains. Shortly after the June floods, a third flood wave occurred at the beginning of July.  
FL-1999-000229-TJK Flood Tajikistan As a result of torrential rains on 7-8 July 1999, three districts in Tajikistan have experienced severe flooding and landslides. The districts are: Ashd and Aini in the Leninabad region, and Jirgatal in the Karategin Valley. Of the three, Ashd is the most severely affected with at least two villages reportedly destroyed.  
FL-1999-000213-IND Flood India The current monsoon is causing significant damage in the States of Assam, Bihar, Kerala, Tripura and West Bengal. 3,212 villages in 35 districts have been affected and 15,058 houses have suffered damage. The death toll by torrential monsoon rains in India rose to 367. (The death toll from flooding in the eastern Indian state of Bihar has reached 250.) 
EQ-1999-000208-MEX Earthquake Mexico An earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale hit Mexico on 15 June 1999 at 15:42 hrs local time. The epicentre of the quake was about 200 kilometres southeast of Mexico City.  
EQ-1999-000196-AZE Earthquake Azerbaijan  
WF-1999-000195-AFG Wild fire Afghanistan A massive fire broke out in the forest of the Sholake valley, Kunar province. The fire started on 12 June, and it is continuing in all directions, and have burned over 5 hectares, devastated settlements.  
FL-1999-000194-MDA Flood Moldova  
ST-1999-000178-PAK SEVERE LOCAL STORM Pakistan On the evening of 20 May 1999 the coastal areas of Sindh province were hit by the Tropical Cyclone "2A" devastating several towns and fishermen communities in Thatta, Badin and Tharparkar districts. 
FL-1999-000161-LKA Flood Sri Lanka A torrential rains caused flood in Sri Lanka. Six People are killed by landslide and thunderstroke. 200,000 people were left homeless following torrential rains continuing since 19 April in the Western and Southern administrative districts.  
FL-1999-000160-PER Flood Peru Unofficial estimates show approximately 100,000 people affected, with some 35,000 now living in severe conditions.Damage caused to approximately 10,000 houses, schools and sanitary centres and to cultivated land.  
EQ-1999-000150-IRN Earthquake Iran, Islamic Republic A series of tremors occurred in Iran early morning at May 7. the strongest earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale hit the province of Fars in southern Iran at 03:31 a.m. local time (23:01 GMT); aftershock tremors are still impacting the area. At least 26 people were killed and 100 injured. 
DR-1999-000148-ETH Drought Ethiopia Ethiopia was affected by a serious drought that affected about 640,000 people. 
FL-1999-000132-BLR Flood Belarus An unusual period of warm weather during the first week of March 1999 has provoked excessive spring snow melting, resulting in flooding in several regions of the Republic of Belarus. Floods now affecting many parts of Belarus contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear explosion, may pollute rivers flowing into the Baltic and Black seas. 
EQ-1999-000115-BGD Earthquake Bangladesh  
EQ-1999-000099-IND Earthquake India An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale occurred on 28 March at 00:35 local time (19:05 GMT). The earthquake hit the state of Utter Pradesh, approximately 190 km northeast of New Delhi. 100 people have reportedly been killed, some 250 injured and 156 houses damaged. Mild tremors continued to rock the area.  
DR-1999-000086-KIR Drought Kiribati 84,000 were affected. 
DR-1999-000084-VNM Drought Viet Nam In northern mountainous and midland provinces and north-central provinces, the 1998 rainy season ended one month earlier than usual. The total amount of rainfall was only 50 - 70 per cent of the annual average. At present, water levels in rivers and streams in the north are 20 - 30 per cent lower than average. Salt water has encroached into rice fields.  
FL-1999-000071-MOZ Flood Mozambique  
EQ-1999-000065-IRN Earthquake Iran, Islamic Republic On the morning of Thursday 4 March, 1999 an earthquake measuring 6.3 hit the south-eastern part of Iran. The epicentre of the quake was in the district of Kahnooj in the Kerman province, 200 Km to the south of Kerman city.  
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Disasters on or after week 37
From: 2024/9/8  To: 2024/9/16

Flood,Austria: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact in for Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia.Heavy rainfall brought by Storm Boris caused flash flooding and rivers to overflow in areas of Czech Republic in September 2024. Strong winds also caused damage. The Fire and Rescue Department (HZSCR) carried out thousands of interventions. Approximately 260,000 households were without electricity due to adverse weather conditions, as of 15 September. As of 15 September, fire departments reported thousands of people evacuated across several locations in Olomouc and Moravian-Silesian Regions. Police assisted with evacuations in Zl?n Region. Police reported at least 4 people missing in 2 separate incidents across the country as of 15 September.

Tropical Cyclone,Myanmar: Flooding and landslides caused by the remnants of Typhoon Yagi have killed at least 19 people in Myanmar. Local media say over 50,000 people including in the capital Naypyitaw are taking shelter as homes are inundated. Evacuation camps have been washed away in the border area with Thailand. Bridges and roads have collapsed, isolating some areas.

Tropical Cyclone,Thailand: At least two people were killed and hundreds stranded in Thailand after heavy rains swept through two northern provinces, Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai, swelling rivers, inundating settlements and triggering mudslides, authorities said on 11 September. The adverse weather, which comes in the wake of Typhoon Yagi has impacted about 9,000 households in Thailand. Other northern provinces including Mae Hong Son, Nan, Phayao, Lampang, Phrae, Uttaradit, and Tak also faced flooding and landslides.

Tropical Cyclone,Viet Nam: According to the Vietnam Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 7:00 a.m. on September 4, 2024, storm YAGI was in the East Sea, about 770 km from Hainan Island (China), with the strongest wind speed of 117 km/h, gusting to level 11, moving in the West - Northwest direction, at a speed of 10 km/h. Storm YAGI is forecast to directly affect all northern provinces of Vietnam on the evening of September 7, 2024, Vietnam time.

Flood,Algeria: On September 8, 2024, a severe tropical disturbance triggered widespread flooding across several provinces in southern and western Algeria. The most affected areas include Béchar, Elbayadh, Beni Abbes, Tamanrasset, Tiaret, Tindouf, and Naama.