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FL-1997-000522-MDA Flood Moldova  
VO-1997-000339-MEX Volcano Mexico  
FL-1997-000337-IND Flood India  
EQ-1997-000326-CHN Earthquake China, People's Republic  
DR-1997-000305-HND Drought Honduras A drought emergency has affected the southern region of Honduras, in particular the Departments of Choluteca, Valle, Francisco Morazhn, El Paraiso and Comayagua. 
FL-1997-000301-UGA Flood Uganda  
DR-1997-000300-SLB Drought Solomon Islands The Solomon Islands have also experienced severe drought. Since June, below average rainfalls have been recorded. 
FL-1997-000299-PRY Flood Paraguay  
ST-1997-000298-PER SEVERE LOCAL STORM Peru  
FL-1997-000295-COD Flood Congo Democratic Republic  
ST-1997-000275-MEX SEVERE LOCAL STORM Mexico  
FL-1997-000270-ETH Flood Ethiopia  
ST-1997-000267-VNM SEVERE LOCAL STORM Viet Nam  
FL-1997-000265-SOM Flood Somalia  
DR-1997-000263-PNG Drought Papua New Guinea 60 people were killed and 500,000 were affected by the drought. 
WF-1997-000262-TZA Wild fire Tanzania  
FL-1997-000260-IND Flood India  
ST-1997-000259-COK SEVERE LOCAL STORM Cook Islands Tropical Cyclone (TC) Martin began affecting the Cook Islands on 1 November 1997 and continued on a south-southeast track. During 1 and 2 November, the Northern Group outer islands of the Cooks have been battered by intense winds and sea surge. 
FL-1997-000255-KEN Flood Kenya  
EQ-1997-000247-CHL Earthquake Chile  
DR-1997-000244-IDN Drought Indonesia 672 people were killed with 1,065,000 affected. 
ST-1997-000243-MEX SEVERE LOCAL STORM Mexico  
ST-1997-000235-BGD SEVERE LOCAL STORM Bangladesh  
DR-1997-000227-NIC Drought Nicaragua 290,000 people were affected. 
WF-1997-000220-IDN Wild fire Indonesia  
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From: 2024/9/1  To: 2024/9/8

Tropical Cyclone,Viet Nam: According to the Vietnam Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 7:00 a.m. on September 4, 2024, storm YAGI was in the East Sea, about 770 km from Hainan Island (China), with the strongest wind speed of 117 km/h, gusting to level 11, moving in the West - Northwest direction, at a speed of 10 km/h. Storm YAGI is forecast to directly affect all northern provinces of Vietnam on the evening of September 7, 2024, Vietnam time.

Tropical Cyclone,Philippines: Tropical Cyclone Yagi (local name: Enteng) set off landslides and unleashed pounding rains that flooded many northern Philippine areas overnight into 2 September, leaving at least 14 people dead and prompting authorities to suspend school classes and government work in the densely populated capital region. Tropical Storm Yagi slammed into Casiguran town in the northeastern province of Aurora Monday afternoon and gained strength with sustained winds of 85 kilometers (53 miles) per hour and gusts of 105 kph (65 mph), according to the weather bureau.