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EQ-1994-000008-RUS Earthquake Russia A major earthquake has struck in the South Kurils on 04 Oct 1994 at 13.22 GMT (10.22 pm local time). The magnitude was computed at 8.2 on the Richter scale. Preliminary hypocentre for the earthquake was Kuril islands, latitude 44.0 degrees north, longitude 147.4 degrees east. The earthquake was followed by a tsunami that went through the Zeleny (green) island and covered it completely. Extent of affected area not yet determined as communications lines are interrupted. Reconnaissance by helicopter is hampered by stormy weather and poor visibility. Information from affected area is scarce, but Russian Federation reports that electricity and gas supply systems are seriously damaged, that a gas pipeline has been ruptured and is on fire, and that hospitals are destroyed. Number of casualties confirmed by Russian Federation: 140 dead, one seriously injured. On the island swept over by the tsunami, there was a border guards' station and a small fishing base. The fate of the people on the island is unknown. 
FL-1994-000007-VNM Flood Viet Nam Heavy rains caused record level flooding of Mekong River in early September, causing heavy damage in Mekong Delta area. Most affected provinces are Dong Thap, An Giang, Long An, Tien Giang, Kien Giang, and Can Tho. Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control reported 172,426 families affected and 84 dead in above six provinces as of 30 September. 14,033 families have been, and additional 34,602 families are expected to be evacuated. 28,463 families are in immediate need for food assistance. 345 houses were destroyed, and 849 schools and 340 dispensaries were submerged. 29 bridges were destroyed, and 32 bridges were submerged. 9.073 hectares of rice fields were completely submerged, and 2,444 hectares of other crops were lost. 
ST-1994-000006-USA SEVERE LOCAL STORM United States A severe ice storm struck the southeastern part of the country and caused upwards of $5 billion worth of damage to more than ten states in early and mid February.  
FL-1994-000005-USA Flood United States Southeast Texas was hit with torrential rain and thunderstorms that caused flooding throughout the region.  
TO-1994-000004-USA Tornadoes United States An outbreak of tornadoes hit the South, Southwest,Southeast and Midwestern parts of the United States in late April. 
EQ-1994-000003-COL Earthquake Colombia Tierradentro Earthquake Paez 
EQ-1994-000002-USA Earthquake United States The Northridge earthquake of January 17, 1994, struck a modern urban environment generally designed for seismic resistance. There were few casualties, but economic cost was high with losses estimated at $20 billion. Location: 34? 12.80' N, 118? 32.22' W 20 miles west-northwest of Los Angeles 1 mile south-southwest of Northridge. 
TC-1994-000001-USA Tropical Cyclone United States Remnants of slow-moving Alberto brought torrential 10-25 inch rains in 3 days, widespread flooding, and agricultural damage in parts of Georgia, Alabama, and panhandle of Florida. Overall, flash flooding and flooding caused by the rainfall from Alberto took 33 lives, destroyed thousands of homes (including some entire communities), forced approximately 50,000 people to be evacuated, and caused property damage (including lost crops) estimated as high as $750 million. 
EQ-1993-000015-PNG Earthquake Papua New Guinea Several minor earthquakes of 3 to 4 degrees on the Richter scale occurred following the aftershock of 16 October 1993. Landslides are still continuing in the Eastern Highlands. Highly inflammable gases are emanating out of cracks in the ground in coal mining areas. The death toll has been revised to 40 persons confirmed dead and 21 missing. A total of 1,122 houses are destroyed. 24 schools closed down temporarily. Evacuation of inhabitants to safe localities is continuing. 
TC-1993-000014-PNG Tropical Cyclone Papua New Guinea Tropical cyclone 'Adel' hit Papua New Guinea on 14 May 1993 with high winds and heavy rains. Cyclone has affected Woodlark, Trobriand, Kitava, Fergusson, Goodenough and other outlying islands of Milne Bay province and also southeastern part of mainland. Initial reports indicate 1 death in Trobriand Islands and 9 missing. From boat sunk off Kitava Island. On Trobriand Island 200 houses, school accommodation and water tank destroyed. Food gardens and coconut trees also damaged. On Gawa Island 28 houses and school classroom destroyed. On Kitava Island 22 houses, 2 classrooms and other buildings damaged. On Vakuta Island 6 houses destroyed. On Fergusson Island 4 houses destroyed and coconut trees damaged. 
FL-1993-000013-PHL Flood Philippines Due to the effects of Tropical Storm 'Rubing' during last days, floods and mudflows have occurred near Mount Pinatubo in northern Philippines. Most affected regions are Metro Manila, Region I and Region III where a total of 200 families (9,828 persons) had to be moved to 27 evacuation centres. […] Latest damage report from National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) indicates: confirmed deaths: 5, population affected: 55,106 families: Metro Manila (6,816), Region I (6,535) and Region III (41,755) total: 258,080 persons, houses damaged: 830, total amount of damage: USD 2.6 million (P 70.126 million). 
TC-1993-000012-PHL Tropical Cyclone Philippines Typhoon 'Kadiang' (international code name 'Flo') hit Northern Luzon on 4 October 1993 causing heavy rainfall, flashfloods and cancellation of domestic and international flights. At 4:00 a.m. on 6 October 1993, the center of the storm was estimated to be over the province of Nueva Ecija in Central Luzon with maximum sustained winds of 85 KPH near the center and gusts up to 105 KPH. The provinces of Pampanga, Nueva Viscaya, Tarlac, Cagayan, Cavite, Bataan, Bulacan and The National Capital Region, including Metro Manila, have been affected with heavy rains and strong winds. Mudflows have been triggered from Mount Pinatubo Volcano engulfing houses in Pampanga province. Unconfirmed media reports indicate 6 persons dead and 20 missing in Nueva Vizcaya province alone. Some 40,000 persons are estimated to have lost their homes due to flooding and mudslides. An estimated 40,000 hectares of rice land were damaged in Central and Northern Luzon.  
TC-1993-000011-PHL Tropical Cyclone Philippines An area of low pressure formed over the Caroline Islands on 15 June. It moved northwards initially and turned westwards two days later. This low pressure area then developed into a tropical depression on 21 June and was named Koryn while it was 710 km east-southeast of Yap. Early the next day, Koryn deepened further into a tropical storm and moved towards the west-northwest at 23 km/h. Two days later, rapid intensification took place and Koryn became a typhoon with a discernible eye. On the evening of 24 June, Koryn attained its peak intensity with maximum sustained winds of about 175 km/h and sea-level pressure of 935 hPa near the centre. It then moved steadily west-northwestwards at 23 km/h landing on northern Luzon early on 26 June. 
TC-1993-000010-PHL Tropical Cyclone Philippines Nell (9328) was the last tropical cyclone to occur over the western North Pacific and the South China Sea in 1993. It began as a tropical depression about 1 080 km southeast of Guam on 20 December. Moving westwards at an average speed of 20 km/h, Nell became a tropical storm on the evening of 24 December and intensified further to a severe tropical storm 24 hours later. It made landfall over the Philippines on 26 December. After rampaging through the Philippines on a west-northwestward track, Nell entered the South China Sea and turned southwestwards on the evening of 27 December, having first weakened to a tropical storm in the afternoon. Weakening further on the way, Nell eventually dissipated over water on 29 December. 
VO-1993-000009-PHL Volcano Philippines Mayon volcano, located 330 km southeast of Manila in Albay Province, erupted twice on 2 February 1993 (at 11.00 hrs and 13.11 hrs). It blasted out clouds of hot ash that mixed with rain to form rivers of scorching mud. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) indicated that one of these eruptions lasted 30 minutes and that renewed, and more violent activity could be expected. PHIVOLCS has set the danger zone at six kilometres from the foot of the volcano. […] Affected areas are the Albay towns of Ligao, Camalig, Guinobatan and Daraga, Legaspi city as well as barangays at the foot of the volcano. Electricity was knocked out in major parts of Albay province. According to unconfirmed reports, 34 persons were killed and 25 injured. 16,000 fled their homes to seek refuge in churches and schoolhouses in nearby towns. Seventeen evacuation centres have been set-up to help evacuees in Legaspi city and in Albay province. Rescue operations are being conducted by the provincial disaster coordinating council (PDCC) in co-operation with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Philippine army and the local governments of the affected areas. Immediate food assistance is being provided by DSWD. 
TC-1993-000008-VUT Tropical Cyclone Vanuatu Tropical Cyclone 'Prema' hit Vanuatu on 30 March 1993 with sustained winds up to 90 knots. Cyclone has affected large parts of Vanuatu, with Epi, the Shepherd islands and Efate most directly hit. Initial reports indicate 2 deaths, 4 injured, and 115 houses in Port Vila severely damaged. The Port Vila wharf and airport terminal reported to be damaged.  
TC-1993-000007-VNM Tropical Cyclone Viet Nam Kyle (9325) started as a tropical depression about 410 km west of Yap Island on 18 November. Drifting west-northwestwards at about 20 km/h, Kyle intensified to a tropical storm on 19 November and swept across the central Philippines on 20 November. In the Philippines, hundreds of people had to flee their homes due to serious flooding brought by Kyle. Eight people were killed and one was reported missing. Kyle became a severe tropical storm after entering the South China Sea on 22 November and attained typhoon strength early the next day when it was about 300 km north-northwest of Nansha. Peak intensity was reached on the afternoon of 23 November when maximum sustained winds and minimum sea-level pressure were estimated to be 140 km/h and 960 hPa respectively. It landed over Vietnam about 380 km northeast of Ho Chi Minh City that evening and soon weakened to a severe tropical storm. Moving further inland, Kyle continued to lose strength and became an area of low pressure on 24 November. In Vietnam, the passage of Kyle caused 71 deaths, 476 injuries. In addition, 59 persons were reported missing. Torrential rain and high winds destroyed 5 600 houses and thousands of hectares of crops. In addition, hundreds of fishing boats were damaged.  
DR-1993-000006-USA Drought United States Severe drought conditions and extreme high temperatures lasted throughout the summer months for much of the southeastern part of the country.The monetary values of crop losses were estimated at $264 million for South Carolina,$165 million for North Carolina, and $500 million for Georgia. 
FL-1993-000005-USA Flood United States Severe and widespread flooding persisted for much of the summer across the upper Midwest causing more than $34 billion worth of damage. 
LS-1993-000004-MYS Land Slide Malaysia The Highland Towers were 3 blocks of 12-story apartment, each block was respectively named Block 1, Block 2 and Block 3. Block 1 collapsed when 10 continuous days of rainfall led to a landslide after the retaining wall of the towers car park failed. 
EQ-1993-000003-IND Earthquake India Latur Earthquake 
ST-1993-000002-USA SEVERE LOCAL STORM United States "Storm of the Century" hits entire eastern seaboard with tornadoes, high winds, and heavy snows (2-4 feet); $5.0-$6.0 (6.3-7.6) billion damage/costs; approximately 270 deaths. 
FL-1993-000001-USA Flood United States Also known as the Great Flood of 1993; Severe, widespread flooding in central U.S. due to persistent heavy rains and thunderstorms; approximately $21.0 (26.7) billion damage/costs; 48 deaths. 
FL-1992-000008-PAK Flood Pakistan The government has declared a state of emergency following torrential rains in the north and centre of Pakistan since the middle of last week. The worst affected area appears to be Azad Kashmir. Over 2,000 people have been reported killed, roads and many bridges are damaged. Agricultural land and crops are seriously affected. The damage is described as enormous. Government authorities at all levels are undertaking emergency operations. The UN Resident Coordinator has convened the Disaster Management Team, consisting of government, UN and other donor representatives, who are working on a preliminary assessment of damage and needs. 
TC-1992-000007-VUT Tropical Cyclone Vanuatu TC Betsy, with average winds of 80 knots close to centre and gusting to 120 knots, is currently passing through central islands of Vanuatu, i.e. Pentecost, Ambrym, Epi and Malekula. Damage caused by winds and storm surge to coastal villages, infrastructure and buildings reported in northern Efate, Epi and Pentecost. Relocation of people to five evacuation centres underway in Efate. 
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From: 2025/3/16  To: 2025/3/28

Earthquake,Myanmar: A strong earthquake struck central Myanmar on Friday, earthquake monitoring services said, which affected Bangkok as well with hundreds of people pouring out of buildings in the Thai capital in panic after the tremors. There was no immediate word from Myanmar on damage after the quake, which the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said had a 7.7 magnitude and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Earthquake,China, People's Republic: Two people were reported injured in southwest China's Yunnan Province after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Myanmar Friday, according to the provincial earthquake agency.

Earthquake,Thailand: In Thailand, at least one person was killed by the earthquake shake (epicentre of Sagaing, Myanmar) and dozens of workers were rescued from under the rubble of the skyscraper that had been under construction in Bangkok, Thailand's National Institute of Emergency Medicine said.

Wild fire,Korea Republic: At least 18 people have died as multiple wildfires rage across the southeastern region of South Korea since 21 March 2025, with thousands of firefighters aided by the military deployed in a bid to contain one of the country's worst forest fires in decades.

Flood,Bolivia: Since the start of the rainy season, VIDECI has reported a total of 76,563 flood-affected families and 216,542 affected families nationwide as of March 17, 2025. These figures represent an increase of 144.7% and 131.4%, respectively, compared to the data from February 17, 2025. In the nine departments, 186 municipalities and 3,580 communities have been affected. Of these, 73 municipalities have been declared in a state of disaster and 19 in a state of emergency. In the department of La Paz, which has been declared a state of emergency, as well as in Chuquisaca and Beni, 40 municipalities are in a state of disaster. (VIDECI, March 17, 2025)

Earthquake,Ethiopia: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 5.5M

Fire,Macedonia: On 16th March around 3 am in the Night club “Pulse” in Kochani, during a concert a fire occurred that caused 152 injured and hospitalized people in Skopje, Kochani and Shtip and 53 deaths. All casualties are on the age 14-25.