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United States |
Record-setting snow fall struck Chicago and much of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana with continuous snow and wind from the early morning hours on Thursday the 26th of January into the morning of the 27th. |
Tropical Cyclone |
United States |
NOAA reports $1.4205 billion in losses killing 75 people.
Earthquake |
Myanmar |
The Sagaing earthquake caused large damage to ancient
structures. |
Earthquake |
Myanmar |
M=7.3RS,railroad tracks twist(Pyu Earthquake);about
30 persons killed. |
Earthquake |
Myanmar |
Collapsed houses and other buildings in Yangon and Bago Divisions.It killed approximately 500 people in Bago and 50 in Yangon. |
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From: 2024/12/29
To: 2025/1/8
Earthquake,China, People's Republic: GDACS - magnitude 7.1M.
More than 120 people have been killed after a powerful earthquake struck a remote region of Tibet on Tuesday morning, with tremors felt across the Himalayas in neighboring Nepal, Bhutan and parts of northern India.
The 7.1-magnitude quake struck at 9:05 a.m. local time at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) and was followed by multiple aftershocks, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Earthquake,Nepal: A powerful earthquake struck a remote region of Tibet on Tuesday morning, with tremors felt across the Himalayas in neighboring Nepal, Bhutan and parts of northern India.
The 7.1-magnitude quake struck in Tibet, China, at 9:05 a.m. local time at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) and was followed by multiple aftershocks, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Earthquake,Ethiopia: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 5.8M
Volcano,Ethiopia: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact for Dofan
Earthquake,Ethiopia: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 5.5M