Event: | FL Flood |
Number: | 2015-000121 |
Country: | SDN Sudan |
Location: | |
Date (YMD): | 2015-8-31 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA), UN OCHA |
Comments: | Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) indicated that, the impact of El Niño phenomenon is likely to intensify throughout 2015 until early 2016, with prediction of normal to below normal rainfall condition in most parts of Sudan, and above-normal rains in southern part of Darfur and Kordofan regions. As of 3 September 2015, there are 17,140 flood affected people in 6 states, far less than those affected last year at same time. Detailed as follows: 600 flood affected people in Kassala, Blue Nile 2,565, Sinnar 8,135, South Kordofan 590, South Darfur 4000, North Darfur 1,250. And many of them were rather affected by storm than floods. |
Aproximate Location:: |
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