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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2017-000022
Country: GIN Guinea
Date (YMD): 2017-2-22
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: With a population of 10,628,9992 inhabitants according to the 2014 General Population Census, the Republic of Guinea is faced with countless challenges including viral and infections disease outbreaks. During the period 2014-2016, the country's health system underwent Ebola Virus Disease outbreak with disruptive effect on health services along with degrading confidence of the healthcare beneficiairies in health services. Being nearly overwhelmed by the EVD outbreak the responses, healthcare workers could hardly follow-up and implement surveillance, prevention and management activities for other diseases. The failure to give attention to the diseases resulted into increased upsurge of vacccine preventable diseases outstandingly the miseasles. As a comparison, in the 2014, the country went through a miseasle outbreak which affected 25 health dictricts. In 2015, major measles cases were recorded in the districts which were not involved in the immunization campaign in response to outbreak in February 2014. Surveillance of the disease shows that since early 2016, despite interventions (conduct of indepth investigations and management of cases, response organization in the health Districts, enhanced surveillance, providing health Districts with vaccines and supplies, community awareness in measles), the confirmed cases were continuously reported in several health districts. In 2017, 408 suspected measles cases reported with 122 confirmed. The following prefectures are affected: Nzérékoré, Gueckedou, Matoto, Ratoma, Fria, Dubreka, Kindia, Coyah, Kaloum, Dixinn, Forécariah and Matam. The Prefectures of Siguiri, Labé and Boké are on alert. In this particular situation and in compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR), the government, through the Ministry of Health has declared measles outbreak in those prefectures on February 08th, 2017. It also seeks support from technical and financial partners to rapidly eradicate the measles before the months of execessive heat which leads to the rapid spread of measles.
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