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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2023-000075
Country: BDI Burundi
Date (YMD): 2023-5-19
Information Source:WHO
Comments: Burundi Cholera Ungraded 1-Jan-23 6-Jan-23 42 0 0.0% An outbreak of cholera has been confirmed in Burundi on 1 January 2023. As of 6 January, 42 suspected cases have been reported with no deaths. Four districts have reported one or several cases: Budjumbura North (19 cases), Cibitoke (17 cases), Isale (four cases), and Bujumbura Centre (two cases). ([WHO, 13 Jan 2023]( An outbreak of cholera has been declared in Burundi on 1 January 2023. As of 1 February 2023, 118 suspected cases and one death (CFR 0.8%) have been reported, including more than 66 laboratory-confirmed cases. More than half of cases (n=61; 51.7%) are females. The most affected age group is the 21-30 years (28 cases; 23.7%); the under-five represent 20.3% of cases (n=24). [WHO, 11 March 2023]( There was a 120% increase in new cholera cases in Burundi from 10 cases in week 12 to 22 cases in week 13. There was a new death reported in week 13. As of 4 April 2023, a cumulative of 232 cases and one death (CFR 0.4%) have been reported across seven health districts in three provinces, some of which border South Kivu in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Burundi has reported cholera cases since 8 December 2022, and the outbreak was officially declared on 1 January 2023. ([WHO, 5 Apr 2023]( As of 23 Apr 2023, 327 suspected cases and three deaths (CFR 0.9%) have been reported, including 175 laboratory-confirmed cases. ([WHO, 27 Apr 2023](
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