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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2023-000105
Country: ZWE Zimbabwe
Date (YMD): 2023-2-12
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: The cholera outbreak started on the 12th of February, in Chegutu town, which has a population of 66,258 within the Mashonaland West Province of Zimbabwe. The suspected case was confirmed by the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) on the 15th of February while a second case was reported, again in Chegutu town on the 17th of February.This saw the Government set up a Cholera treatment centre in Chegutu. By the 26th of February, 37 suspected cholera cases with 2 confirmed positive cases and no deaths were reported in Chegutu district. As of the 18th of April 2023, there had been 579 suspected cholera cases reported, of which 102 were culture confirmed, and 9 deaths (CFR 1.6%). The situation was stable until the last SITREP of 1st June 2023 showing an ascendant curve in cases and death since late May to 1st June.The cases have now been reported from all the ten provinces of the country, without epidemiological link to each other. By the 18th of April, there had been 168 RDTs (Rapid diagnostic tests) conducted with 73/168 positive (42 % positivity) and 104/359 positive cultures (29 % positivity). Although this cholera outbreak occurred outside the rainy season, it mimicked the previous cholera outbreak of 2018 that started in the same town and spread to other hotspots within the country. To date, 17 cholera hotspot districts in the country have been severely affected and cases are on the rise. The MoHCC, through the Zimbabwe Cholera SitRep of 28 May 2023, reports a cumulative total of 1649 suspected cholera cases, 423 confirmed cases, 1528 recoveries, 11 confirmed deaths and 33 suspected deaths.
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