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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2024-000231
Country: GHA Ghana
Date (YMD): 2024-10-4
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: In October 2024, the Ghana Health Service has announced a cholera outbreak affecting five regions in the country, notably: Greater Accra, Central, Western, Eastern and Asanti. As part of the interventions strategies to reverse the spread of the disease, Ghana Health Service in collaboration with UNICEF and partners in November 2024 introduced cholera vaccine- Oral cholera vaccine (OCV). On December 19, 2024, the outbreak had claimed 27 lives and spread across 36 districts in the Greater Accra, Central, Western, and Eastern regions, with a total of 3,292 reported cases. As of December 23, a cumulative total suspected cases were 4,155 cases and 35 deaths with majority of the dead recorded withing 24 hours. While the number of cases in the Western Region is declining mainly due to the vaccination campaign, there is an increase in geographical spread and a rise in cases in the other regions. Between 24 and 31 december 2024, 29 new cases and 1 new death were recorded, with a cumulative number of 4850 suspected cases from the begining of the epidemic and 1 new affected district. These figures indicate that the epidemic continues to spread and there is a need to continue the initial efforts to ensure an efficient response. Another fear is that with the recent torrential rains that affected Accra, drainage issues have been exacerbated, raising concerns that if these conditions persist, the situation could worsen significantly.
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