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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2020-000154
Country: CIV Cote d'Ivoire
Location: Abobo, Adjamé, Anyama, Cocody, Port-Bouet , Yopougon, San-
Pedro, Alépé, Divo, Azaguié , Niakaramadougou and Tabou
Date (YMD): 2020-6-25
Time: 00
Information Source:Côte d'Ivoire Red Cross Society
Comments: On 17 June 2020, torrential rain over a couple of days caused flooding in the southern parts of the country, including the country’s economic capital Abidjan. Among the worst hit areas are the districts of André Château d´Eau, Abobo-Belleville and Riviera Palmeraie. As a direct consequence of these torrential rains, on 18 June, a landslide swept away about twenty houses and railway tracks in Anyama, in the northern part of Abidjan, leaving at least 13 people dead and many missing, buried under muddy rubbles. Indeed, Abidjan recorded over 260mm of rain in 48 hours On 25 June, more people died and one was declared missing from flash flooding after 240mm of rain fell in a few hours in Abidjan District. Several roads have been cut and houses damaged, cars upturned and dragged through streets and residents taking refuge on roofs or clinging to walls and trees. Firefighters responded to several calls for assistance, mostly in the suburb of Cocody which was among the worst hit areas.
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