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Event: OT Other
Number: 2024-000185
Country: AFG Afghanistan
Location: Kandahar, Paktika
Date (YMD): 2024-9-1
Duration: 150
Magnitude: Affected the entire country
Information Source:Afghanistan Red Crescent Society, Global Acute malnutrition (GAM)
Comments: The burden of malnutrition has been a major public health concern in Afghanistan for decades due to intricate, underlying, and immediate causes. However, the situation deteriorated significantly between May and September 2024, calling for concerted, lifesaving, humanitarian efforts. There was a sudden spike in the trends of acute malnutrition among children and pregnant and lactating women across the country. While this affected the entire country, Kandahar and Paktika provinces were among the worst affected provinces in Afghanistan. 3.2 million children under five years and 840,000 pregnant and lactating women are now suffering from acute malnutrition in Afghanistan. Out of these, 1.7 million children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition and associated medical complications, a situation that has pre-disposing them to premature death and other lifelong complications including poor cognitive performance and stuntedness. Kandahar and Paktika provinces are among the worst affected provinces in Afghanistan. With an estimated population of 2,067,723 people, Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate shows in total, 151,033 children under five years and 58,412 pregnant and lactating women in Kandahar and Paktika provinces (collectively) are suffering from severe acute and moderate acute malnutrition respectively and are in dire need of urgent life-saving interventions.
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