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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2025-000015
Country: TZA Tanzania
Date (YMD): 2025-1-9
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: On January 13, WHO informed member states that Tanzania had a suspected outbreak of Marburg Virus Disease (MVD). On Monday 20 January, the President of the Republic of Tanzania confirmed during a press briefing that there was an outbreak of Marburg Virus Disease in the northwestern Kagera region, after one case was tested positive for the virus following investigations and laboratory analysis of suspected cases. [...] According to the daily sit rep #4 issued by the Ministry of Health (MoH), there are two confirmed cases, 42 suspected cases, one bedridden patient that is being treated, one confirmed death, 8 probable deaths. The regional health authorities have conducted a total of 42 tests (2 confirmed) of those with MVD type symptoms and the results are awaited. Additionally, based on the contact tracing exercise carried out by the regional health teams, the Ministry has identified a total of 281 persons who have been in contact with the persons with MVD type symptoms. According to reports from the region, the suspected Marburg cases are found in one of the districts of Kagera region, called Biharamulo. Kagera region is an important transit hub west of Lake Victoria, which borders Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi. Cross-border movement is significant.
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